Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wages,welfare and share...equity no equal...

Wages,welfare and share...equity no and poor..relates...then..?

11 Feb 13 กระทรวงมหาดไทย แจ้งการปรับเพิ่มมาตรการประหยัดตามมติคณะรัฐมนตรีในการเบิกค่าใช้จ่ายในการฝึกอบรม และการประชุมของส่วนราชการ รายละเอียดตามเอกสารแนบ
การปรับเพิ่มค่าอาหารว่างและเครื่องดื่มในการฝึกอบรมและการประชุม และค่าอาหารในการประชุม รายละเอียดตามหนังสือกระทรวงมหาดไทย ด่วนที่สุด ที่ มท 0211.2/ว 535 ลงวันที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2556
Attachment : ขึ้น OA.pdf (กดปุ่มขวาของ mouse ที่ชื่อ file, หากต้องการพิมพ์หรือ save file)
Posted By :  นายจักรกฤษณ์ ยศตีนเทียน  [กองคลัง กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน] - 14 Feb 13 08:10

Germans unwilling to take pay cut to work less

Published: 13 Feb 13 07:05 CET | Print version 

Just 23 percent of Germans would accept a pay cut in exchange for reducing their working hours, according to a survey released amid a new push for a 30-hour workweek in Germany.
For 73 percent of those asked by YouGov polling organisation for the website ofDie Zeit weekly newspaper, working fewer hours for less pay was completely out of the question. 

Among young people, this sentiment appeared even stronger. Some 86 percent of 16-24-year-olds said they would not take a wage hit – contradicting a popular theory that young people are more willing to earn less if it means working less.

When asked if they worked too much, 44 percent disagreed and just 20 percent told YouGov that they were in over their head professionally. 

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The same thoughts applied to taking early retirement. 60 percent said that they would not choose to give up work early if it meant getting less pension. 

Again, in the 16-24 age bracket this figure was higher, at nearly 70 percent, although many of them were not yet old enough to be legally required to pay into a pension. 

The Local/jcw

The impact of a $9 minimum wage

@CNNMoney February 13, 2013: 9:57 AM ET

Click on the map above to see the minimum wage in your state.

After promising five years ago to raise the federal minimum wage, President Obama finally unveiled a plan to do so on Tuesday.

In his State of the Union address, Obama pressed to raise the hourly rate in stages to $9 an hour in 2015, up from the current $7.25, and index it to inflation. The change, should it become law, would boost the wages of 15 million Americans, according to the White House.
"Tonight, let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty,'' he said. '"This single step would raise the incomes of millions of working families ... For businesses across the country, it would mean customers with more money in their pockets."
Obama campaigned in 2008 on a pledge to raise the federal minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, but he didn't follow through during his first term, despite multiple calls from worker advocates to do so.
Not every minimum-wage worker, however, is paid the federal rate, which translates into $14,500 a year for a full-time employee. Some 18 states plus the District of Columbia have rates above the federal level, with Washington state mandating the highest level at $9.19 an hour. And 10 states automatically increase their minimum wage rates annually to account for inflation.

Thailand vs. Vietnam
Thailand vs. Vietnam
Thanks to its busy bazaars, adventurous meals and nearby island beaches, Thailand is popular among those looking for an exotic getaway. But the country has also become home to some pricey resorts, Winnika said.
For an Asian locale that's easier on the checkbook, Winnika suggests Vietnamese cities like Hanoi, which offer historic sites and French-inspired cuisine. While airfare is similar for the two destinations, lower food and lodging costs in Vietnam helps to trim the bill.
Splurge: Thailand
What you'll pay*$3,600
Steal: Vietnam
What you'll pay: $3,200

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